Sunday, December 6, 2015

Art Every Day - day 36 - year in review

While I did paint a foam core cork board solid black for a project I need to do, I did not get anything else drawn or painted today.

I did however work on a project called the Holiday Council. One of the creative people I follow online, Molly Mahar of Stratejoy, does the program called the Holiday Council every December. This is the first time I have done it, but it seemed only right given all the transitions I am going thru currently. Basically it is 4 weeks of worksheets reviewing the previous year - business and personal life wise - what was good, what was not, lessons learned, etc - and then planning out the next year - goals for your business and life in general. This past week was all about reviewing 2015. I was not able to listen to the live podcast last Wednesday - so today was my day to catch up on that and start doing the worksheets. I still have a few things left to complete for week 1 but it's already late and I need to get ready for my week. So that was all the creativity I got done for today, unless you count cooking an awesome roast in the crockpot, doing 5 loads of laundry, cleaning house and designing a workout/food tally log for my upcoming workout challenge, being creative. :-)

Art does not always have to be painting or drawing. It can be writing and planning, researching and thinking. There is so much more to the creative process then what you actually see on paper, or canvas or a wall. So while some people may argue that because I did not actually draw or paint something today (tho I did paint a board black - I just didn't take a picture of it,) so therefore I did not do any "Art" - I say I did plenty of creative work today in reviewing my year of art and taking the first steps towards planning my artistic year next year.

Art is in the eye of the beholder! ;-)

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