Saturday, February 15, 2025

Soul Connection and Art

What exactly IS a Soul Connection?

Has a piece of art ever called to you? Like really pulled you in and mesmerized you?

It occurred to me today after a conversation with a friend, that I may be assuming that everyone understands the concepts of ‘Spirit Animals’, ‘Soul Connection’, and ‘messages and signs’  like I do, and the deeper values and meanings they have within the art I create. But even I really didn’t dive into Spirit Animals or notice all the ‘signs’ I was getting until about 11 years ago. Before that I kinda sorta knew about them as a concept…but I didn’t KNOW until I experienced them in big meaningful ways, and learned more about them.

So where I see a landscape that reminds me of that one place I visited that one time or maybe hope to experience someday..….or I see an animal that brings a smile to my face or it reminds me to dig deep and source my inner power……for some of you - you may just see another landscape, another abstract, or another tiger painting. However you see it is just right for you because Art is after all, a visual experience on the surface at the very least.

You may like the colors in it.

You may like the animal or subject matter.

You may like the style.

You may understand the deeper levels of meaning and messaging.

Or….. you may not.

Everything is subjective to the individual styles, tastes and the desires of your own being and spaces. My Art may or may not fit for you and your space right now….and that’s perfectly perfect either way. I’m just happy to share it with you and put it out into the world. Its all part of the cycle.

We each know what speaks to us………or doesn’t. Be it Art, clothes, foods, places or things…..even people.

THAT is what Soul connection is – being attracted to (or repelled by) things that resonate somewhere deep inside each of us on core individual levels.

Its like the color yellow…..we all have opinions about it. Some love it, some hate it, and some really don’t care either way. (no opinion is also an opinion)

Personally – I’m not a big fan of yellow. At times I’ve even hated it. With a passion. Its my least favorite color. I own zero clothes with yellow in them, very few things in my home are yellow… is just not a color I gravitate to in any way. Its often too bright, loud and obnoxious for me and does not look good on me.

But….as an artist…..I also see its value. I need it in my creations. I do love very light, soft, paler versions of yellow, especially as an accent color enhancing the deeper jewel tone colors I often use. And it’s magic and worth cannot be denied in the beams and sparkles of sunlight highlighting elements and making a painting glow. 

Years ago I forced myself to create several mostly yellow paintings to learn how to work better with this sunny loud color I had so much aversion to.

And to my shock - several of those paintings actually sold.

Of all the (in my opinion) dozens of much “prettier” colored paintings I’d done, I thought for sure those yellow pieces would sit on my storage shelves the longest and eventually get painted over……but I was proven wrong.

Some people DO Love yellow.

It connects to THEIR Soul.  It has a deeper meaning and draw for them. It brings some kind of magic and comfort and joy to them. Probably in the similar ways blue teal and pink combinations bring joy to me.  Or reds and golds and even black bring to someone else.

THAT is Soul connection and what I mean when I talk about Sparks of Soul - those things that light you up.

It’s a deeply personal, individual feeling and knowing of – I LIKE THIS.  Or - I do NOT like that….and then following where that like or dislike leads to, or away from.

We all like what we like for a deeply personal reasons. Even if we don’t know what that reason is at first glance.

We just know what we like or not.

And just to note - our personal likes and dislikes do not make us ‘wrong’ just because others around us don’t feel the same way about a thing. We may all be connected in commonality as a species, and to something bigger than us we don’t fully understand…..but we are still individuals within the collective with our own thoughts and preferences. We are our own Soul trying to find our way in the world through the choices we make. We are allowed to like what we like and have different opinions than others. It doesn’t make one of us wrong and the other right….it just makes us different.

It’s what makes this journey uniquely ours.

It’s what makes US as individuals special.

So connect to your Soul and figure out what you truly deeply like. Claim it. Embrace it. Love it. Allow it to show you the way and truth of who you are.

You don’t need permission to be gloriously YOU. Just BE!

Live your magical life the way YOU want. Like what you like- unapologetically.

Life is boring, stressful, confusing and dark when following in someone else’s shadow.

Step out into the light and LIVE the colors of your Soul. Surround yourself with it. Wear it. Decorate your home and office with it. Explore more of those Soul Sparks.

I guarantee you’ll find more Joy and Peace in your life when you do.

From my Colorful Soul to yours,


P.s –

I’d love to know what colors actually Do spark your Soul and why – hit reply and let me know. I would love to connect with more of you on Soul levels and hear what draws you to my art and messaging.

And you can totally tell me if yellow is your color – I promise I won’t hold it against you.  ;-D

Maybe I’ll write a series on the meaning behind colors coming up – what colors do you want to learn more about?

P.s.s -

More on Spirit Animal connections soon too, and how my Soul Connection with them came to be a big part of my creative life.

Is there something on these topics, or a particular animal you’d like to know more about? Let me know so I can address it in the future too.

Have a Magical Soul Connecting Day!

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Soul Connection and Art

What exactly IS a Soul Connection? Has a piece of art ever called to you? Like really pulled you in and mesmerized you? It occurred to me to...