Friday, October 1, 2021

So much has been happening. I feel as if the first chapter in a new phase of my life is beginning right now. The last 6 years have been full of emotion, transition and transformation. The last 10 months have been full of healing from cancer and partial lung removal. Even since I began this blog in the spring with high hopes, my healing has taken longer than I imagined it would. But I finally feel like I'm ready to begin emerging from the cocoon, shake out my wings and rise. I've been working really hard the last few weeks on my career pivot of becoming a full time studio artist. Andrea Morgan Art and Soul is in serious behind the scenes organization and planning mode. My hope is to open an online store to sell my art by Cyber Monday in November. Not sure I'll make it by that date as there is so much to do - inventory, pricing, photographing everything, branding, finishing, framing, varnishing, figuring out shipping, packaging, printing, social media, building a website etc, and of course painting more art - and I'm mostly doing it all on my own AND working my day job painting cabinets and walls too.  But I AM doing it - the research and work - bit by bit, day by day, both on the business side and creating more art side. For years I have wanted this, yet never had the drive to dive all in, until now. NOW it is finally the right time. And I want it to be done as well as it can be with what I know at this time, so if it takes me longer than the end of November to get my store open, so be it - it counts that I'm taking steps closer every day. I'm happy with the progress I'm making and I'm excited for all the ideas that are showing up, the guidance and positive support from the Universe telling me I'm on the right path and to keep going, and the potential success that will come. :-D

Part of my process in showing up on the creative side is getting back to doing AED - Art Every Day. I started a blog back in 2015 where I did AED and posted about it to keep myself accountable. Knowing I need to show up with my art online to be successful and help build my studio art business and promote myself - I've decided to get back to posting my AED journey again. Its my first step in the social media realm.

My branding for Art and Soul is based on Soul connection - finding what lights me up, what touches my Soul in some way, and creating and sharing that. Thus the blogging about what I do and am going thru too, not just posting a picture of my latest art on FB and leaving it at that. I want my art to have meaning, not only to me, but also to the people who are drawn to it. The meaning doesn't have to be deep or profound - sometimes it is, but sometimes its just pretty and makes you smile, and that's the best kind of art in my opinion. 

Anything that makes you smile or feel something is a Soul connection. Connecting to our Souls in joyful, evolving, fulfilling, meaningful ways thru the things we experience and do is the purpose of life.

So my Art comes from a connection to my Soul. From the colors, to the subjects, to the tiny details - something about it has moved my Soul. My Art is a colorful combination of abstract realism with touches of meaning, movement, magic and whimsy. 

 I love creating drippy flowing color filled backgrounds. Sometimes the color and movement in them is enough to stand alone. More often than not I add additional elements on top - a willow tree, an animal, a person, or whatever random abstract or real-ish things want to show up from the fibers of my brush. Whatever speaks to my Soul.

I especially love adding swirls. 

Recently I realized that swirls were a big part of my creative voice. Even though they've been right there in front of me the whole time in my art and my décor (they are even tattooed on my arm for goodness sake!), they've always just been an accent element in my art.  But I'm beginning to take them out of the background and make them more of a feature, and my Soul is super excited about that. Soul Swirls is what I'm calling this new direction my art wants to go. I have tons of ideas and plans for Soul Swirls and where they might lead, from paintings to products - my notebooks and sketchbooks are filling up more and more everyday. Soul Swirls has been a big part of my momentum lately. It's what is driving me to finally make strides in opening the online store that has been a dream desire at least 6 years in the making.

I also am coming to realize that adding bling to my art is a big part of who I am too. Next to color, I am always drawn to sparkles and twinkles and bits of magic, elegance and whimsy. So a lot of my pieces are now going to include embellishments as well. Many already do, but I'm feeling pulled to expand on that and make it part of my 'thing'.

Case in point - the AED Soul Swirl piece I did today. While I'm still playing with the placement of the rhinestones, as you can see in the picture - there is a big difference between adding them and not. Without the bling, the painting just feels dull and boring to me. But with the jewels, the piece feels more elegant and complete. My friend said it had "reflections of clarity and light" in the darkness. Love that!

So day 1 of Art n Soul AED is in the books. Or on the blog I should say lol. May this be the start of an amazing new adventure. 

This Soul Swirl is acrylic and rhinestones on a 12x24 inch gallery wrapped canvas. 

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