Sunday, April 11, 2021

Inspiration - Helicopter Seeds

 What is inspiring me today? Today - its helicopter seeds. At least that's what we called them when I was growing up. You know - those seeds from trees that look like wings and helicopters blades spinning as they fall from their heights - those things. 

I have two big maple trees in my back yard that in the fall turn to a riot of brilliant red colors. I absolutely love when they are in all their autumn glory against the crisp blue sky, deep forest greens of the pines behind them and golden tones of the fading summer. I can stare out my windows at the ever changing colors of them for hours. 

But today it is early to mid Springtime here in North Carolina, and mother nature is in the peak of her post winter blossoming. Which means the maples are in full helicopter mode as they open their leaves and shed their seeds. 

Growing up we had a tree next door that had green double helicopter wing seeds - unlike like the red maples I have in my yard today which are only single wing seeds. We, my sisters and I, would gather up the fallen ones and throw them as high in the air as our little arms could and delight in their spinning as they fell once again. Again and again. And again. Sometimes we would dissect and study them, wondering how something so small could turn into such a giant tree. 

I was reminded of all that today as I sat on my patio enjoying the spring temperatures and sunshine, and watched the wind playing with the helicopter seeds as they fell around me. Delicate golden brown and pinkish mauve seed casings, some with just a touch of green, whose shape is like those of a dragonfly wing (have you ever noticed the similarities?), swirling and twirling as they danced their way to the fertile ground below in hopes of becoming something big and majestic someday. There was something so magical about it - the colors and wonders of nature and childhood joys all mixed in one. 

It was definitely a Soul touching experience.

So often we get annoyed with spring - the pollen turning our cars and outdoor spaces into fuzzy yellow green messes, the sneezing and itchy eyes, the rain and strong storms, the months of roller coaster temperatures, and the return of the bugs. We take the miracles of nature going on around us for granted, barely even noticing them as we rush around trying to do all the things. The way the leaves are uncurling from their hibernation- growing and changing colors, the wide variety of shades of green (seriously, have you ever noticed all the different greens?), bright new colors of flowers springing up everywhere, and all the animals and creatures returning/emerging from their rest and frolicking about. 

Its truly amazing when you think about it - that all these things, including us humans, even exist.

I challenge you to stop and take a few moments (or longer preferably) in your day (every day for that matter), to REALLY look at the world around you right now. Not the messes that need cleaned and the work that needs done - but the miracles of nature - the blues of the sky and water, the whites and stormy grays of the clouds, the way rain and water make everything glisten and shine, the browns of the wood and dirt, the greens - so many greens, and all the colors of the flowers and creatures of the world. Most especially - the way the sun and fresh air make you feel alive and like anything is possible. Reconnect to something that makes you smile and brings a sense of joy or nostalgia. Nature is always putting on a spectacular show, day and night, year after year after year, it never stops. 

Are you paying attention, or letting it pass you by?

Collage with helicopter seeds, flowers and greens from my yard.

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