Monday, April 25, 2016

AED - Day - 176 - faux

Today I fixed a faux finish. It had been painted by someone else (when I was really busy and couldn't do it last summer) to match the adjacent room which I had done a couple years ago. Unfortunately the other painter did not apply the topcoat the way I had done, so it came out much darker and muddier, and the client was not happy with it. So today I did my best to adjust it without having to totally repaint it from scratch.

You can see from the first picture what I did - the top section of the wall looks very solid, the bottom section below the light switch, and the soffet are what I adjusted it to (lighter with more dimension). The second picture shows the wall I did a few years ago (with the vase on it) and I adjusted the walls closest to the cabinet to match (they were solid looking before -No dimension). It is still not an exact match but to get an exact match would have required going back to white and starting over. The client wanted an easy fix and was happy with the results.

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