Friday, February 26, 2016

AED - Day 118- left handed sketch

So yesterday I had to have a heart catheter for some ongoing heart issues I have. I am fine. This time  (it was my 4th one) they went in thru my right arm at the wrist instead of my groin, and I am currently unable to use my dominate right hand and arm for a few days until it heals. I briefly considered breaking my Art Every Day streak as this is a pretty valid reason. Then I realised I had a perfectly good left hand. While it is not my dominate hand, it can still hold a pencil and make marks. So for the next few days I will  experiment being creative with my left hand. I decided to start off simple and while it was a bit awkward holding the pencil, it didn't turn out so bad. My letters are not too horrible either lolol!

Monday, February 22, 2016

AED - Day 114 - mural quotes

Back at the jobsite today. Worked on adding more quotes on the walls, but I forgot to take pics. Will post tmw.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thursday, February 18, 2016

AED - Day 110 - paintings

I added another layer to yesterdays painting, and started 2 more paintings while I was at it. I love dripping paint on a canvas and seeing what it does when you add some water.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

AED - Day 109 - painting

I started a painting today and as you can see it went thru a metamorphosis.  I had an idea, but as soon as it began coming together I hated it, well, not really hated it, but I definitely wasn't liking the direction it was going. So I went a whole new route and just started throwing color at it. Its still not done. Needs several more layers and turns of the canvas, but it needs time to dry, so I will come back to it another day.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

AED - Day 106- sculpture

Tried my hand at some wire sculpturing today. Willow trees (my favorite) were peaking my interest this morning and I was going to do a painting, but I bought this wire like a year ago to do this exact thing. So I made a 3d tree instead. I still wanna add some things to it but I need a trip to the store, so it is what is for now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

AED - Day 101 - painting

Felt the need to paint today so I stepped back into the studio and started this guy. Once I got him blocked tho, I kinda lost my mojo. So he will be finished another day.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Art Every Day - Day 100!!!

I cant believe its been 100 days in a row that I've done something artistic and posted it here. This little blog just started out as a monthly challenge for myself to be creative every day for a month,  and I chose this format to hold myself accountable in that challenge. 100 days later I'm still going! I must say it has gone a long way to helping me grow as a creative, and as a person. Some days I barely had the energy or time to do anything except color or do a quick sketch. Other days I spent all day in the studio or on a job site painting, or working on vision boards and plans for my mural business. No matter what I ended up doing, I still did something artistic Every Single Day for the last 100 days. And thats quite an accomplishment for me -to have dedicated some part of my day, even 5 minutes in my super busy non artistic days, even on holidays and sick days, even when I went to Florida for 2 weeks to help my daughter move, I still did art of some kind every day. I've never even stuck to a diet or workout plan that long! Lol! I'm very proud of myself, and my journey here is far from over. So stay tuned for more Art Every Day! Maybe I'll even make it to an entire year! Time will tell.

All week as this day was getting closer I thought I would do a colorful sketch of a 100! But I actually forgot today was day 100 when I sat down to sketch, until I pulled up my blog to post. I had already sketched this so I'm stickin with it. Not quite a 100 celebration, more of a...... celebration of a different kind.  ;-)

I Believe in Magic

  Goodness its been a long time since I’ve written here in this blog. A lot of changes have happened in the last year or so – unexpectedly h...