Wednesday, January 26, 2022

 The last few months since I posted have been Crazy Busy so I obviously have NOT been doing Art Every Day (AED) lol. Well, not like I intended too anyway.  Two weeks ago tonight though, I finally opened an online store to sell my art, prints of my art and products made from my art. Woo Hoo!! is up and running and I'm super excited to see where this will lead.

It feels really good and I have SO many ideas of things I'd like to create - all kinds of paintings, more products, books, campaigns, maybe some children's art much I want to do, so little time it feels like lol.

 The future seems full of potential on this path - a path I've felt meant to take for a very long time. The further I go down it, the more my Soul is like - YES!! About time!! Lets Do This!! 

Part of my dream, my purpose in this lifetime as I currently see it, is to someday (soon) be a full time studio artist - to create and share regularly and consistently my art, my poems, my writings, whatever Sparks my Soul...with the world. To be an inspiration, a mentor and help others connect to their own Souls and passions, whatever they may be. 

I'm not sure how that will all look and come about yet, but the ideas are there, swirling around me, waiting for me to grab hold and turn them into something tangible and special. 

Until then tho, my time is split with needing to support myself and this future dream. I'm still painting most every day, but my canvas is often walls in homes and businesses, cabinets and the occasional piece of home décor. Some of which I have occasionally posted about below or on my Mural page at

Speaking of posts below - I also combined my Beyond the Canvas blog with this blog as I  had a lot of my daily art and soul musings on there that I wanted to share here since this is the name I will be using moving forward for all my fine art and soul things. So it seemed fitting to move those posts here. 

You may notice there is a big gap in the timeline. I spent quite a bit of time in recent years going inward and working on myself and my art quietly, as well as recovering from a pretty major surgery. So I haven't posted much publicly the last few years. But hopefully I will be here more often than not moving forward. 

Anyway, just wanted to do a quick check in now that things are beginning to come together with my Art and Soul. You can check out both my websites in the above links and join my email list or follow me on social media to keep up to date on new art and product launches too. 

Thanks for being here. 💖

Oh, and here is the Soul of a new painting I'm about to begin. Every painting has a Soul - something at the root, the spark that lights it into BEing. This one is feeling pretty powerful. More to come.......

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