Monday, May 16, 2016

AED - Day 196 - mural

So I totally missed AED yesterday. I dunno what happened. Woke up this morning and realized it. I always remember it even if its as I'm crawling into bed and I quickly sketch something out. But for some reason it never crossed my mind yesterday. It was a busy day, but I really have no excuse. Sigh. Oh well. 195 days in a row is nothing to sneeze at, so I'm just gonna keep going and pretend it didn't happen haha.

Today I added stars in and around the swirls all over the room I've been working on for my client. I also glittered them (per request) and the flowers. Below are a couple close ups, tho its hard to see the glitter.  I also made a bit more progress on the Disney painting this evening.

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