Sunday, March 20, 2016

AED - Day 140 - reminder

A little reminder for myself today. So often I paint or draw, usually pretty quickly, just to get it done so I can move on to the next thing, or check the box off that I was creative that day. I need to remember that just because I have talent and can create something, it needs heart and soul to truly be a good piece of art. More often than not, the pieces I really like are the ones I really concentrated on, that have meaning and feeling behind them. I have many ideas for upcoming projects swirling in my head and scratched down on paper, but I keep flying thru things and wondering why they aren't feeling right. Well, they aren't feeling right because I'm flying thru them and not putting the time and meaning onto them they deserve.  So I made this little reminder to stick by my easel today. Everything is better when done with heart and soul.

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 Yesterday I awoke to an email notifying me I'd sold a painting. 😀 It was one of my older abstract pieces that to me, feels like gold i...