Wednesday, March 30, 2016

AED - Day 150 - 'Transition'

There comes a point in your journey when you stop.
Just stop.
And sit for a while.
What do you do now?
Which way do you go?
Do you go back - back to the known?
(Isn't that what brought you here though?)
Do you stay still - unable to decide?
(Not deciding is still deciding.)
Or do you go forward -  into the scary unknown?
The struggle is real.
Your insides are tearing apart.
It hurts no matter which way you go.
Someone is always hurt.
So you sit. In the quiet.
Parts of you dying.
The pain is real.
You stare into space.
Your space. Infinite space.
You reach deep for the answer.
Deep into the depths of the universe for the seed of growth.
The seed of a new life.
The seed of you. Of who you are meant to be.
You know the way.
Your soul always knows the way.
You just had to sit.
And listen.


24x30 acrylic on canvas

Monday, March 28, 2016

AED - Day 148 - watercolor owl

Decided to paint the little owl I drew the other day. Super cute!

9x12 watercolor on paper

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

AED - Day 143

Finally finished this piece. I think. Love the little owls that emerged. No title yet.

24x30 acrylic on canvas

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

AED - Day 142

The attacks in Brussels hit close to home today as my sister and her family are there on vacation. Thankfully they are fine. So I did this little painting in honor of Belgium and in the name of Peace and Love - 2 things this world needs more of. Stay safe out there everyone. And be love.

Monday, March 21, 2016

AED - Day 141

Quick phone sketch of something I'm working on, an idea that popped in my head.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

AED - Day 140 - reminder

A little reminder for myself today. So often I paint or draw, usually pretty quickly, just to get it done so I can move on to the next thing, or check the box off that I was creative that day. I need to remember that just because I have talent and can create something, it needs heart and soul to truly be a good piece of art. More often than not, the pieces I really like are the ones I really concentrated on, that have meaning and feeling behind them. I have many ideas for upcoming projects swirling in my head and scratched down on paper, but I keep flying thru things and wondering why they aren't feeling right. Well, they aren't feeling right because I'm flying thru them and not putting the time and meaning onto them they deserve.  So I made this little reminder to stick by my easel today. Everything is better when done with heart and soul.

Friday, March 18, 2016

AED - Day 138 - "New Life"

A damaged heart is not the end. Whether from physical damage or emotional, new life and love can and will emerge again. Never give up on your heart.

18x24 acrylic on canvas

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

AED - Day 135 - plaque

Painted this cute little wooden plaque today. I am very into hearts right now. They are the focus of some upcoming projects for me as well,  so I will posting a lot of them in the near future.

Monday, March 14, 2016

AED - Day 134- sketch

Lots more reading and writing and researching today so just another quick sketch.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

AED - Day 133 - sketch

Doing a lot of research on an upcoming art/ business project lately, so I only got a quick sketch of a painting idea that popped on my head done today.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

AED - Day 128 - Bobbieblu Brokenheart

Introducing Miss Bobbieblu BrokenHeart. She is a SCAD survivor proving that even with a damaged heart life is good.

Monday, March 7, 2016

AED - Day 127 - paintings

Messed with this heart again, going in a different direction from my original vision, again. Still not sure about it. Blocked in another smaller canvas with leftover paint as well. Someday I'll start finishing some of these. ;-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

AED - Day 122 - painting

From out of the depths she emerges - Ready to face the world anew.

Acrylic on canvas  10x30

I Believe in Magic

  Goodness its been a long time since I’ve written here in this blog. A lot of changes have happened in the last year or so – unexpectedly h...