Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Art Every Day - Day 67 - Museum visit

Today I visited the Dayton Art Institute. One of my priorities this year is to get out and visit Art Galleries and Museums more. As an artist I do lots of art, but I don't really get out much and appreciate others art - in this capacity. I feel as though I've been limiting myself too much in this area and I need to change that. We can learn so much just by observing and studying others work. My sister lives in Dayton so today we ventured to the DAI when I went over for a visit.

Personally I am drawn most to the Impressionist style/era. Claude Monet is my favorite artist. I just love the colors he uses and the style of his work. I am also drawn to color. A lot of what we saw today was very dark and muted or monotone (the Renaissance era for example). And while the paintings are sometimes very striking, with lots of light and dark contrasts, and incredible detail, the overall feel of the work is dark and monotone. I love to see works with color especially jewel tones and pastel colors. I think that's why the impressionist style draws me in - the colors used in paintings seem to get lighter and brighter, more vibrant, around this time period (mid 1800's). I'm sure its because paints and a greater variety of colors were becoming more readily available and manufactured, rather then having to make them yourself from scratch. The subject matter seems to lighten up as well - more landscapes and everyday subjects versus the heavily religious themes and stiff portraiture of earlier time periods.

Unfortunately the only Monet the DAI has - was not on display- it had been loaned out to another exhibit, or perhaps for restoration purposes. I'm not sure I just know it was not on display. That was disappointing. But I always manage to find at least one painting that I would call my favorite at each gallery or museum I go to. There were several pieces I was drawn to including a portrait by Mary Cassatt whom I also admire, but this piece below was my favorite. I love the colors, the subject matter, and the style in which it was painted.

I love how from a distance the cliff and water look realistic but when you get up close, it's a lot of  blobs of color, if you will. I love the colors in this piece and how rich they are but also very soft. As soon as I walked into this room I was instantly drawn to it and knew this was my favorite painting there. (click on the picture for a close up view)

I also loved this sculpture, (and the fact it shared space with the above painting.) They almost seem made to be near each other - like she is diving into the water.  

1 comment:

  1. I think I tend to prefer the same style as you do - the thing I like best about early artwork is seeing what was achieved with minimally available tools/supplies and that these works of art have somehow lasted. I am so over the subject matter that the earliest paintings cover. I need a different perspective. Your choices of art from this trip are stunning and both make me think of you.


 Yesterday I awoke to an email notifying me I'd sold a painting. 😀 It was one of my older abstract pieces that to me, feels like gold i...