Friday, December 18, 2015

Art Every Day - Day 48 - Good Day Jar

Today is my Birthday. I made it thru another year! lol

I've had this idea in my head the last few weeks of starting a gratitude jar - writing down things I'm grateful for everyday and putting them in a jar. Kinda like a gratitude journal but in a more visible form. I was planning on starting that the first of the year along with a bunch of other things.

But a little bit ago I read a story online about the brothers who started the Life is Good company. Every night at dinner their mom would ask them what was good about today. And no matter how awful their day was, they could always find something to share and smile or even laugh about. That question led them to the company they now run.

So that kinda sparked something in me and I decided to turn my gratitude jar into a - what was good about today jar. And I decided to start it today because what better day to start a happiness jar then on my birthday!

I took some light colored scrapbook paper I had (not cardstock cuz its too thick) and cut it up into approximately   1.5 - 2" by 4 inch strips. Some of them are a bit bigger too, you know, in case I have a really awesome day I need to record. ;-)

 The past week or two I've started looking for a really pretty clear/ colored glass jar at whatever store I happened to be in, for this purpose. But I had yet to find something and I wasn't really at the right store for it, but I figured I still had time before January 1st. Of course that changed about an hour ago. So for now I'm using this small jar I have til I find the right one I'm looking for. I know its out there and I will find it when its ready to be found.  For now though, this works.

So today's happy moments - I made it to another birthday, and my kids are doing dinner and a movie with me tonight. Spending quality time with my children always make me smile. :-)

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