Sunday, November 8, 2015

Art Every Day - Day 8 - BLUE

Day 8 has got the blues! ;-)

Its such a calming, melancholy kind of color. Blue is the sky, and blue is the ocean, and blue are your eyes, and blue is my mood. Sounds like a song - I'm blue, duba dee duba die - haha! My kids used to love that song! Okay, okay - I did too back in the day. It's got a great beat!

Blue is the most popular/ favorite color in the world, especially among men. It has a quiet strength to it. It looks good in any shade. Light blue is representative of baby boys, its soft and endearing.  Bright royal blue is lively and energetic!! Dark navy blue is powerful and commanding - a toned down version of black!

Navy blue is actually my go to color. It is one of favorites. It is my grounding. I look awesome in navy blue and wear it several times a week. It gives me strength, because I look and feel good in it. It also gives me comfort when I'm feeling down, for the same reasons. Light blue I am not a huge fan of. I think for me its just too soft - I need my blue to be strong and dominant. Bright/royal blue I like well enough, but prefer a darker version, or a purplier blue even. 

For this color painting I once again used a 9x12 canvas and the acrylic colors - swedish blue (a medium blue) and phthalocyanine blue (green shade) which is a darker royal blue, plus black and white. I wanted a full range of blues for this one so I chose to use 2 blues. And since blue is most often associated with the sky or water, I chose to paint in a wavy watery style. 

This is probably my favorite of all the color studies I've done thus far. Probably because blue is my favorite color of all that I've done so far. Makes sense. Just looking at this painting makes me want to go sit by the ocean or a lake and listen to the waves and ripples of the water. There is nothing like the calming sounds of water. I love the sound of rain - I know rain its not really blue, but its still water and has that calming, washing your cares away feeling, to it. Sigh.

Blue is a cool color, but it makes you want to cuddle up and be content too, probably to get warm from its coolness lol. This painting reminds me of the ocean - adding the white at the top is like climbing out of the deep dark cold murky depths of the water (where I added the black at the bottom), and reaching for the sunlight. So I suppose the darker the blue, the colder/harder it is, the lighter the blue the warmer/softer it is. 

I guess I've never really paid attention to how contradictory colors are within themselves. But then that's all part of why I'm doing these color studies - relearning the depths of each color, and how they can be used .....everywhere. Working with color everyday in mural painting you would think I am very familiar with how to use them. And to a degree I suppose I am. But since starting this Art Every Day month - I'm learning things I guess I really haven't paid that close attention to before. 

And that's the whole point.

Can't wait to see what the rest of the month will bring! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

 Yesterday I awoke to an email notifying me I'd sold a painting. 😀 It was one of my older abstract pieces that to me, feels like gold i...