Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Art Every Day - Day 3 - YELLOW

I don't like yellow.

Yellow was one of the colors calling to me recently to explore more, because the universe recognized that it is my least favorite color. Unlike yesterdays rediscovery of Orange and my love for it - I thought maybe yellow would find a way into my soul today once I played with it.

Buuuttt......no......I still do not like yellow.

Today I used the color yellow medium azo, plus black and white. 9x12 acrylic on canvas

I decided to do it in a sunburst pattern because that's usually the first thing you think of when you think yellow - the sun. Bright and glowing and warm. The painting started off ok in the center. Of all the yellows out there, if I have to choose a favorite, it would be soft pale yellow. It has a sweet warm delicate feel to it. I currently have dishes that are mostly a soft light yellow surrounded by other colors and I love them. When light yellow is accented by other colors I like it very much.

The yellows on the background of this blog page I like - but only in combination with the orange and other colors. Salmon or pink and yellow - yummy!

But bright yellow on its own - no. Not so much. And when you add black to it - blech! It just gets pukey and ugly. Sickly. When I added the black to the edges of this my potential for liking the color went down the toilet. (It kind of looks like a toilet.) I just started cringing. I had a hard time finishing this painting - I wanted to chuck it out the window. Maybe its the color I chose, the black did turn it kinda greenish and yucky. Maybe a warmer yellow would have turned out better? I will have to try that another day. A nice golden color perhaps.

But I fear its just that I really don't like yellow.

Yellow definitely has its place though, and I often have to call on it in my mural paintings. Can't paint the sun or a banana without it. It is a bright, intense, and happy color - perfect for smiley faces, and sunshine, and flowers. But it just does not resonate with me. It is not a good color on me, and despite its happy demeanor, it does not make me feel good.

I'm sorry yellow, and universe, but I am not going to fall in love with you. I tolerate you, and respect you, but that's about the best I can give you. We will never have a meaningful relationship.

Sorry Yellow. I know you mean well - but you are not for me.

1 comment:

  1. This painting holds a very different message for me - it makes me feel as if you are in a cavern looking up to the sky, to hope. It's amazing how this can speak very different things to us all.


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